© 2024 Ferdi Stutterheim

Rolleiflex E Photo Karl Keung
Photograph of a Rolleiflex E. Note the exposure value (EV) numbers on the setting wheel shown left in the picture and the crossed slots (EV unlocked) in the wheel at right. The PC flash socket is fit to accept a sync cord with Rollei Lock tip.
Photo © 2008 Karl Keung. Photo courtesy of Mr Keung.

Concise Site Index

Please, find the full Site Index from the navigation bar.

General Pages

  1. Home
  2. Rolleigraphy: Photography with a Rollei
  3. Rollei Serial Numbers
  4. Service and Repairs of Rollei cameras
  5. Photographers
  6. Links
  7. Rolleigraphy Photo Gallery

Rollei Cameras

  1. Rolleiflex TLR 6×6 cm (2¼×2¼ in) and 4×4 cm (1⅝×1⅝ in)
  2. Rollei 16
  3. Rollei 110
  4. Rollei 35
  5. Rolleiflex SL 66
  6. Rolleiflex SLX and System 6000


  1. What ’s in a name?
  2. May 2003: A visit to the Rollei factory
  3. Mai 2003: Une visite à l’usine Rollei
  4. Copyright Information

Service Pages

  1. Colophon
  2. Contact
  3. Site Index

Or use the navigation bar to find your way or choose Site Index for a full index of pages.


Welcome to Rolleigraphy: Photography with a Rollei at It is a private site about Rollei, Rolleiflex and Rolleicord cameras.

Over the years the site has grown. In recent times it has grown a lot and some more pages are to follow. Browsing a large site with a smartphone can be difficult. On the small screen there is not much room for links and the links in the navigation bar have to be larger than links on a notebook or computer screen. Another thing is that a number of site visitors are only interested in a part of the site: repair shops, serial numbers or a specific line of cameras like the Rollei 35 or the TLRs. Each of the camera families now has its sub-site with sub-domain name but the most popular pages - repair shops and serial numbers - also have direct links from the main site.

Acknowledgements and thanks


I am indebted to my friend Emmanuel Bigler for composing the Comparative Chart of Twin-Lens Cameras of Rolleiflex TLR models and for his kind permission to use photographs of various Rolleiflex models. I would like to thank Mr. Carlos Manuel Freaza for his assistance with the paragraphs on the coded serial numbers. As a matter of fact I used a few lines from his hand with permission. On a different public platform Mr. Jan Böttcher gave me a detailed explanation of the mysterious ‘index number’. Thanks again, Jan. I have used this information to clarify the suitability of the Magazine 4560. Mr. Karl Keung gracefully provided me with a number of photographs of his unique mint 2.8 E still having the original factory seals. Mr. Charles Lin gave permission to use his photo of a Rolleiflex 2.8 FX. To all of you, thank you very much!


To the Visitors of these pages: Thank you for visiting my site! I hope some of my enthusiasm for the Rolleiflex cameras is transferred to you. In photography nothing is more spectacular than looking down on the screen of a medium format camera like a Rolleiflex. Also a Rolleiflex TLR is much lighter than a bag full of 35 mm (‘full frame’) SLR stuff. Some of you contributed to these pages by bringing to my attention all kinds of errors and omissions. Thanks for your mail!